The inevitable combination of Twitter and ESPN is going to become official, according to a Wall Street Journal story today. As the WSJ story notes, the killer relationship is ESPN content — mainly video highlights — and Twitter’s distribution channel. Under the proposed deal, the story says, “people can watch the video clips on Twitter’s website and mobile apps shortly after the action happens on TV.”
Here at Mobile Sports Report we’ve seen a closer Twitter/ESPN need coming for quite some time. Here are some archived posts about Twitter and its relationship to ESPN, and how Twitter is the main disruptive technology as it relates to sports:
Could Twitter + Mobile Phones Kill ESPN? (Aug. 19, 2011)
Twitter Loves ESPN Loving Twitter (Oct. 28, 2011)
Twitter is Hammering ESPN on Penn State ‘Riots’ Coverage (Nov. 9, 2011)
Twitter and Sports: The Game Has Already Changed (Sept. 19, 2012)
ESPN Adds Twitter, Facebook ‘Share’ Buttons to In-House Commenting (March 22, 2012)