News roundup: Ramifications of Manchester attack

Will large sports and entertainment venues change their security procedures in the wake of the recent fatal bomb attack outside the Manchester Arena? As more and more venues look to add closely tied public areas to arenas and stadiums, it’s a good bet we will see security perimeters extend farther out from the entry doors. Here’s a roundup of stories exploring what comes next after Manchester. Anyone with comments or more links, please share as this topic needs to become a priority for everyone.

Manchester attack points to vulnerabilities even at venues with high security: The LA Times weighs in with info from counter-terrorism experts.

U.S. Authorities Are Taking a Fresh Look at Security Outside Arenas After the Manchester Attack: AP (via Time) talks to Wrigley Field execs about adding security cameras outside the stadium.

Concert Security Experts on Preventing Attacks: ‘Our Adversary Is Very Committed, Adaptive and Elusive’: Variety talks to reps from the Oak View Group’s new Prevent Advisors group.

Manchester suicide attack lays bare limits of security measures: Reuters looks at whether or not we’ll ever be able to completely protect venues against determined terrorists.

Manchester shows why even the best protection can’t stop attacks: The Washington Post weighs in with a similar view as Reuters.