Latest SensoGlove Seeks to fix Golf’s Deathgrip Issue

Sensosolutions has released an advanced version of its SensoGlove a sports glove that is designed to help golfers improve their game by providing them with digital feedback that they can use to make alterations that will improve their game and score.

While the golfing season is sadly coming to a close, at least here in the Northern Hemisphere, that does not mean that you cannot go to the driving range and work on issues that plagued during your stint on the course this year.

The SensoGlove includes a 1.2-inch LED digital monitor that analyzes the pressure of the swing through highly responsive sensors placed throughout the glove. On each swing of a golf club the can provide real-time audio and visual feedback at 80 times per second informing you if you have exceed your target level of grip pressure. One feature shows you which fingers are gripping too tightly, so you can adjust your grip accordingly.

Much of the feedback is used with a new feature, the “Automatic Sensitivity Selection” button. When pressed the button seeks to find the perfect recommended setting based on the maximum grip pressure history of the user.

The $89 glove is designed to be a personal trainer for golfers by providing feedback not just on the grip pressure but also on how to hold the clubs properly for each swing and is available for both right handed and left handed golfers and comes with models for both sexes as well.

While there are a number of sports watches that are designed to be personal trainers and even a number of watches that are designed specifically for golf I believe that this is the only glove that is so designed for a specific sport. I wonder how well it does and if anybody uses one please let us know what you think.