Are Athlete Online ‘Chats’ Worth Fans’ Time?

After reading that the NBA is going to host an online Town Hall on Facebook tonight I wondered: Are these Internet interactions really valuable from a fan’s point of view? Or are they not really worth the time or bandwidth?

I mean, if you are a big fan of the player involved it’s cool to have a chance you might not ever get in real life, to interact directly with the star. Even though it’s through a virtual channel there is some pleasure in seeing your question asked in public and then having it answered. It’s the same kind of gratification that keeps people on hold for hours on radio talk shows, just on the slim chance of hearing their voice out loud.

But after participating in a few Twitter chats sponsored by Verizon Wireless and its NFL Mobile app, I am fairly underwhelmed by the experience. The biggest problem is one of flow — given the asynchronous nature of mediums like Twitter and Facebook, it’s extremely easy to lose the stream of questioning. On Twitter in fact it’s almost impossible and unless you asked the question you often have no context as to what the answer is about. Somewhere here I smell an opportunity for an app that automatically collates questions with answers and then displays them. Until then we’re all stuck with trying to click on the usernames to see what the hell they just asked the athlete who just answered.

The second problem is the sanitization factor — in that if you ask a tough, hard or uncomfortable question it is almost routinely ignored. As a professional interviewer I know that the hard questions are almost always the most interesting; and they are also the least liked by the subject. So during tonight’s NBA questioning you are probably not going to see someone asking the NBA players things like “do you think David Stern is a jerk?” because they will simply be removed from the question-stream. If the Verizon chats are any indication these things usually devolve into basic fan-worship stuff (“Who’s your biggest inspiration?”) or bland competitive questions (“Who’s the hardest guy to defend?”). It’s guaranteed to be not as interesting as simply following these guys on Twitter for the moments when they spout off without a PR filter around.

Again, if you are a devoted fan then by all means hang in there, log on and see if you can coax an answer out of the star you follow. But for most of us, I am guessing there are better ways to spend our time while we wait for more-engaging or more personal forms of social media interaction to evolve.

Facebook, Twitter in Death Match Over Sports Fans’ Souls

If Facebook bought Twitter, sports fans would rejoice.

Through such a fantasy merger, there’d be only one “identification service” to worry about when you wanted to broadcast your sports opinions to the world. That would be a welcome relief from the two-headed monster that now rules the kingdom of sports smack, the beast with tweets on one side and Facebook posts on the other. The big question is whether sports fans will continue to feed both monsters, or whether one will prevail, like Highlander, to rule them all.

Winning the ID Game

Before we get too deep into bad movie cliches, it’s worthwhile to take a small step back and wonder at how quickly Facebook and Twitter have basically won the battle for user identification, or authentication. In the days of Grampa Internet, individual sites would try to get readers to “log in” or “register” with unique passwords and IDs. That led to a frustrating era, just now ending, of having to remember multiple screen names, logins and places to track conversations.

Then came Facebook and Twitter, who after a short while made the smart move of making users’ identifying features portable — meaning you could use your Facebook or Twitter screen persona to log in to web sites and blogs, instead of having to remember each site’s unique ID. Boom, game over. If you are an active sports commenter, you are probably already on Facebook and Twitter and spend little time anywhere else.

Though ESPN still requires you to have a site-specific login to comment on their story “conversation” sites, it’s easy to see where the worldwide leader is going, with constant beckonings to “tweet us your questions” to be answered on talk shows, and with an unending parade of Facebook polls and comment come-ons. It’s pretty amazing that two startups like Facebook and Twitter could completely trash the user-ID-accumulation schemes cooked up by major media properties since the web began. What might be more compelling is the coming clash between the two new titans, who each have attributes that make them more compelling to sports opinionators, depending upon the situation.

Twitter: Fast, fun and the athlete’s domain

Though by far the smaller of the two services, Twitter is the new darling of the sports world, in no small part because it has become the favorite platform for pro athletes. Unlike a website, a blog or even a Facebook page, a Twitter account needs only some short thoughts and a smartphone — two things that are front and center in the pro athlete’s world of 2011.

In its short life Twitter has changed the face of many facets of media production, including coverage of wars and revolutions. In the less-meaningful but not less-followed world of sports, Twitter has become the de facto news wire of the sporting world, with teams, athletes, fans and followers all adding to and taking away from the information stream.

For the average fan, Twitter is like a fire hose of comments and information that never slows down, and is as wide and diverse as who you choose to follow. From a commenter standpoint there is the problem of having to make your voice heard in the crowd, but by just signing up and tweeting you still have a chance to see your name or fan-tastic psuedonym flashed on the ESPN screen. The low barrier to entry and instant gratification make Twitter the first choice for a lot of new Internet sports enthusiasts.

Facebook: Best for long opinions, monetization

In terms of really building an online social presence, however, nothing beats Facebook, especially when it comes to easily finding a home for photos, videos, long opinions and opportunities to build a business. For teams, athletes, vendors and sponsors in the field, a Facebook page is a no-brainer as it gives easy access to the hundreds of millions of folks who already have a Facebook ID.

For the average sports fan Facebook is probably a lot easier to understand than Twitter, and the post/comments structure lends itself to longer “conversations” on a single topic or event. The recent integration of Facebook comments under blog posts is a step toward Facebook’s plan of social-activity domination: Simply put, the service wants to make it easy for you to record your every thought, “Like” and observation in some form that can be embedded inside a Facebook wrapper.

And by allowing integration of applications and even stores on Facebook pages, the service is equally attractive to teams, vendors and sponsors who want to extract dollars from the multitudes of fans. The commerce-friendly platform is what gives Facebook the sporting edge right now, but Twitter is gaining ground quickly, thanks to its Google-like ease of use.

Who Wins? Or do they both survive?

Right now, connected sports fans as well as athletes, teams, schools, advertisers and vendors in the sports-fan space all are most likely active on both services, depending on the time of day or situation. While much of the live commenting action has moved to Twitter thanks to its instant-publishing stream of thought, the more leisurely searches for information and interaction still take place on websites, blogs or Facebook pages, meaning that you can’t live on simply one or the other right now.

While that means there is still the headache of “do I post to Twitter or Facebook,” there remains the possibility of some future integration, perhaps by a business arrangement once both firms go public as is widely expected. Though there do exist services and techno-solutions that will replicate your Facebook posts onto Twitter and vice versa, the different styles of communication on either platform make such services an inelegant compromise at best. Will those differing styles keep the beast’s two heads alive indefinitely, or will one succeed in chewing through the other’s throat? Whichever way it goes, it will be a fun movie to watch play out over the near term future.

Intel the Latest to Create Mobility App Fund

The company has a strong history of focusing funds on specific markets

Intel has created a $100 million investment fund called AppUp Fund that invests in a range of mobile companies and has already helped provide financing to two startups, 4tiitoo and Urban Airship. The fund will invest not only in app developers but also middleware, mobile infrastructure, and digital content.

Intel has created several funds such as this over the years including its $500 million Communications fund formed in 1999 and its recently formed $300 million Ultrabook fund. The funds are managed by Intel Capital.

Of course Intel is not just investing in any company. The ones that will get its blessing, and funding, are ones that advance the Intel architecture, something that is increasingly important for the company as it continues to see important platforms and products being built using processors from rivals such as ARM.

Just One of Many Players in Fund Space

There are other efforts at funding startups, and the number is growing with companies seeking to fund everything from efforts to create apps for a specific operating system like Android, or social media platforms like Facebook, and increasingly just to push the overall market.

There is the App Fund from VezTek that seeks to bring investors and inventors together, United Holdings Group’s Mobile App Fund that offers between $5,000 to $500,000 for developers in a range of mobile spaces from Enterprise, small business, B2B as well as social media and collaborative entertainment.

The Founders Fund and Accel Partners, original funders of Facebook, launched a $10 million fund in 2007 called the FBFund, although it is run a bit differently than others with Facebook executives participating in the vetting process.

First two Investments

One of the first two companies that have received undisclosed funding from Intel is Urban Airship, a Portland, Ore. developer of a platform that enables developers and publishers to target specific market segments with push notifications, subscriptions and geo-location info.

The second, with the snappy name of 4tiitoo, was founded in 2007 in Germany and is an open source developer that already has experience working with Intel. It developed the WeTab OS that is based on the MeeGo technology that was jointly developed by Intel, Nokia and the open source community. It is currently working on software solutions across all system layers from kernel development up to application development.

The amount of funding shows just how important major companies and venture capital firms see the emerging mobile app and social app markets. Expect this to lead to new innovations and a new generation of programs that can enhance all aspects of the user and business experience as related to the mobile space.

Fans, Teams Win With AT&T Stadium Wi-Fi Push

Fans and teams may be the big early winners in the cellular industry’s nationwide push to bring better phone reception to crowded places, an effort currently led by AT&T’s aggressive plan to build localized Wi-Fi networks inside major sporting venues like San Francisco’s AT&T Park and Chase Field in Phoenix.

To alleviate the bandwidth crush caused by the relatively new phenomenon of fans who want to shoot and instantly share pictures, videos and text messages from their seats, AT&T is partnering with teams and schools to build Wi-Fi networks directly inside the stadium walls, providing a better, faster Internet connection to those in attendance. Atlanta’s Turner Field, Stanford Stadium and Minute Maid Park in Houston have also received AT&T network attention, part of a Ma Bell strategy to improve cellular coverage by bringing in Wi-Fi and other network improvements right to the fans in the seats.

“The dynamic of what fans are doing with their phones has changed dramatically just over the last year,” said Dennis Whiteside, assistant Vice President for marketing and technical sales in AT&T’s Wi-Fi group. “People want to share the experiences of being at the game as it’s happening. And, they also want ubiquitous cellular coverage wherever they are.”

As anyone who’s ever attended a big trade show or a sporting event in the past knows, cellular coverage often deteriorates rapidly whenever a big group of folks congregates in a small geographical area, like a stadium or convention center. But the explosion of fans with smartphones like Apple’s iPhone, Whiteside said, has created a unique phenomenon of mobile use: At many games now, fans send out more cellular data then they receive, putting a whole new demand on networks that were never designed to handle big chunks of mobile video and picture-sharing in both directions.

“The whole social media phenomenon of instant sharing has led to us seeing instances where upload traffic from stadiums is greater than the download traffic,” Whiteside said. “That was something we didn’t see even just one year ago.”

While AT&T and other cellular providers are constantly upgrading and adding regular cellular towers to improve performance, the sheer numbers of fans inside a stadium makes it nearly impossible to provide sustained connectivity via the regular cellular network. Not only is it extremely costly to build out regular cellular towers — each location can cost in the hundreds of thousands of dollars — but even if you put antennas everywhere including on the goalposts, the physics of wireless spectrum at celluar frequencies still wouldn’t be able to keep up with the bandwidth crush of tens of thousands of fans all wanting to update their Facebook page.

Enter Wi-Fi, which solves the local bandwidth problem by allowing network providers to build fast networks with many inexpensive antennas and access points, using unlicensed spectrum. The best news for fans is that since almost every device made these days has a Wi-Fi chip, their phone or pad will probably connect without any modification or upgrade needed. And, in most cases, the Wi-Fi access is free, especially if you are already a paying customer of the provider running the network.

“Wi-Fi is great because it provides capacity where we need it most, either in the walkways under the stands or in the tight bowls of the stadiums,” Whiteside said. “And for the customers it’s great because using Wi-Fi doesn’t count against their [cellular] data plans.” AT&T also uses a technology called Distributed Antenna System, or DAS, to bring a greater number of smaller cellular antenna endpoints closer to crowds. Traditionally used inside buildings, DAS is now making appearances outside as well and is often used by AT&T as part of an overall network-improvement strategy.

For many new smartphone users, just figuring out how to switch to Wi-Fi can be a challenge given all the new buttons, screens and icons they have to learn. That’s why AT&T and other providers like Verizon are doing their best to make it easy for users to switch over to Wi-Fi, even automating the process in some cases. In AT&T networked parks, Whiteside said, AT&T customers can configure their devices to switch automatically to a Wi-Fi network if one is available, a kind of simplicity he said is becoming the expected norm.

“Our customers expect us to deliver great wireless access, and they don’t want to have to figure out where that is,” Whiteside said. “Awareness of Wi-Fi as a feature is very high — people know they can use it at home or when they are on the road. But letting them know exactly where they can go and where they can use it in non-standard places [like stadiums] is still a challenge.”

For teams and schools, the benefits of a souped-up stadium network may just be emerging in features like the ability to communicate with fans at the game, to offer wireless concessions orders, show instant replay video, and maybe just to help with ticket sales.

“People want to be at the stadium and have the game-time experience, but they also want to be able to communicate,” Whiteside said. “The competition for buying a ticket is usually the home theater or the couch. For owners of stadiums, having a solid network is a great benefit.”

Social media blunder costs Tennessee high school football team three wins

Facebook Logo identifies first sports social media blunder to costs a team victories

The Nashville Tennessean reported Wednesday that Perry County High has been forced to vacate three wins because of a parent’s Facebook blunder.

Although the incident does not involve a professional sports franchise or major college athletic program, it is significant. identifies this as the first known incident that information posted on a social media service cost a team victories. It underscores the increased scrutiny families of athletes are under, and how shared sports information is becoming an actionable part of the sports experience.

The Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) ruled that the Perry County High football team violated rules that call for the family of players to reside in the county where they attend school and play. Offensive linemen Rodney and Ryan Belasic transferred to Perry County High before the 2011 season, but their mother’s Facebook posts revealed that they are not full-time residents.

The mother wrote: ”How can two boys mess up their room as badly as they do when they’re only here on Saturday and Sunday?” That was enough to prove that rules were being broken in order to allow the two boys to play for a more competitive football program.

According to TSSAA executive director Bernard Childress, the Belasics’ mother provided enough information to prove that they were not in compliance with league rules, according to a report. The Perry County High football team was 5-0 and on its way to a top seed in Tennessee’s smallest division, Class 1A, before the decision to take down the three victories was handed down.



MLB to allow players to Tweet during Home Run Derby

Major League Baseball’s All-Star week is upon us once again and as usual I have mixed feelings about the event. I much preferred it when I was younger and not because of any nostalgia about players wanting it more but rather in those days I never saw American League players except in the playoffs and All-Star game.

Overall, games of this sort do not interest me that much because they do not really mean anything, home field advantage in the playoffs notwithstanding. The same goes for other sports — I have never made it past the first quarter of the NFL’s All-Pro game.

Complaints aside baseball continues to advance what happens for the game, and while many are aware of the home run derby (more on that in a second) there are a number of other baseball related events. Yesterday there was the All-Star Legends and Celebrity Softball game, which I somehow missed.

Today is of course the State Farm Home Run Derby, but MLB has added a new twist that should make it interesting to follow, at least online. Players will be allowed to use social media i.e. Twitter and Facebook, to comment on events live.

I think this is very interesting as some of the players already have large followings and often have very interesting things to say. Now it is sanctioned by MLB. Included in the lineup is David Ortiz (@davidortiz),Jose Bautista (@JoeyBats19) andMatt Kemp (@TheRealMattKemp), Heath Bell (@HeathBell21), Gio Gonzalez (@GioGonzalez47), Hunter Pence (@HunterPence9), Brandon Phillips (@DatDudeBP), Gaby Sanchez (@GabySanchez215), Justin Upton (@RealJustinUpton), C.J. Wilson (@str8edgeracer), Howie Kendrick (@HKendrick47) and Joel Hanrahan (@hanrahan4457).

In addition, but of less interest to me at least, is that there are now League captains with National League captain Prince Fielder choosing Matt Holliday, Matt Kemp and Rickie Weeks for his team, and American League captain David Ortiz choosing Jose Bautista, Robinson Cano and Adrian Gonzalez for his team. The two ‘leagues’ will face off against each other and there will be an individual overall winner as well from the contest.