Even though Mobile Sports Report is covering the U.S. Open live and in person, we almost didn’t need to be at the Olympic Club to get a feeling for what was going on, thanks to the multitude of tweets resonating Monday around golf’s biggest event.
With no cell-phone ban yet in place (that doesn’t happen until competition starts on Thursday) there were plenty of certified folks with mobile cellular devices, transmitting 140-character messages as well as pictures and videos from the fairways, greens, practice facilities and sponsor tents hovering on the southwest edge of San Francisco, one hill removed from the Pacific Ocean.
But why just talk about the tweets? Thanks to technology we can share some of our favorites. Why not start with the tour’s hottest player, last weekend’s champ Dustin Johnson, who tweets pretty darn regularly at @DJohnsonPGA. DJ today hit us with a bunch of pictures of his practice day at Olympic, which included a visit with the Most Interesting Man in Golf:
My man Miguel!! Learned a lot from this legend!! A blast to get some practice with!! #USOpen twitter.com/DJohnsonPGA/st…
— Dustin Johnson (@DJohnsonPGA) June 11, 2012
Golf writer extraordinare Geoff Shackelford was a twittering man possessed Monday, shooting little bits of video as well as cool snaps — like this one of USGA executive director Mike Davis greeting 1955 Open winner and Hogan-killer Jack Fleck.
@USGA Ex. Director Mike Davis greets 1955 #usopen winner Jack Fleck. How cool to have the champ from 57 years ago here? lockerz.com/s/216383472
— Geoff Shackelford (@GeoffShac) June 11, 2012
Maybe the best place to get a wide fix of overall U.S. Open tweets was the Open’s own live updates page (which just shows up as “Twitter” on the USGA mobile app). That’s where we found out that Luke Donald, aka World No. 1 is cool enough to RT an answer to a fan request for a photo:
RT @bradforpar @LukeDonald How about some golf related pics? Here u go (there’s THAT bridge in background again) moby.to/kiv4ih
— Luke Donald (@LukeDonald) June 12, 2012
(Don’t everyone tweet @ Luke at once now.)
ESPN talent Scott Van Pelt also arrived on scene, and gave us all a view of his “office” for the week:
Our home for the week.It’ll more than suffice.#OlympicClub twitter.com/notthefakeSVP/…
— Scott Van Pelt (@notthefakeSVP) June 11, 2012
And the gear sponsors were all out tweeting heavily as well. From our friends at Nike Golf, a faraway picture of the Man, El Tigre himself:
Dropping bombs. @TigerWoods crushed his drive on the 670yd 16th @usopengolf for an ideal second shot. twitpic.com/9vdotl
— Nike Golf (@nikegolf) June 11, 2012
With two more practice days we expect more tweets to be flying the innerwebs way from Olympic, even with its challenged cellular reception. Our favorite of the day comes from another recently smokin’ player and a personal MSR favorite (we so wanted him to win the PGA last year), Jason Dufner. Apparently the Duf is getting some good travel guides to the more lively areas of town. However it appears he may not be ready for the clothing-challenged scenery:
Ok just saw four guys buck naked on the corner of market st and 17th in San Fran?? What that all about?
— Jason Dufner (@JasonDufner) June 12, 2012
C’mon, Duf, it’s called the Castro — and it was hot out today! Just wait, they will probably be in your gallery tomorrow!