Timeout Tuesday: Monday Night Fights Return to the NHL, and a Real ‘Classic’ Skier

Had enough of hoops action for one week? Welcome to the Timeout Tuesday videos, an NCAA hoops-free zone today. How about some hockey? What’s the best thing about the sport — players flashing by quickly on frozen water, a great dance of athleticism, shooting skills and lightning-quick reflexes. Old time hockey, right?

Well… how about something right out of Slapshot instead? Monday night the New York Rangers and New Jersey Devils started brawling three seconds after the opening faceoff. Hat tip to Deadspin and Hockey Fights for the video:

From fights to fun: You gotta love the way former World Cup downhill champ Didier Cuche “retired,” with a run down a GS course Saturday in full skiing gear — full gear from the early 1900s, that is, wool knickers, leather rucksack and wooden skis with bear-trap bindings. The video is kind of long, but fun to watch all the way through. In case you didn’t know Didier, he was well liked within the skiing fraternity and won the legendary Hahnenkamm downhill for the fourth time last year. Hat tip to Scott Raynovich for finding the Cuche video.