Notre Dame logo on Wi-Fi railing enclosure at Notre Dame Stadium. Credit all photos: Paul Kapustka, MSR (click on any photo for a larger image)
At this past Sunday’s “New and Gold” game, a sort of glorified scrimmage, the public (including Mobile Sports Report) got its first look at the University of Notre Dame’s Campus Crossroads project, a $400-million plus effort to bring premium seating, a large video board and high-density Wi-Fi to a venue that came to life in 1930, according to university history.
While we will have a full report on our visit to Notre Dame Stadium in our upcoming Fall STADIUM TECH REPORT issue, we wanted to give you a “first look” at the new facilities, which basically include three new large buildings built into the sides of the existing structure, to provide support for the video board as well as two expanded premium-seating and press box areas on either side of the field.
One of the coolest parts we saw were the new rooftop premium seating areas, where you can sit on a couch and see the full field while also peering out over the edge of the stadium to see Touchdown Jesus, the Golden Dome, and the rest of the world (well, OK, mostly South Bend, Indiana) while enjoying your favorite beverage and speedy Wi-Fi.The new Wi-Fi network design using Cisco gear was led by AmpThink, and includes custom-designed enclosures for railing-mounted APs that feature a sharp version of the “ND” logo known to any football fan. Though the network hasn’t yet been optimized or tested with a full house of fans, we were still getting solid up/down signals in the 60-70 Mbps range throughout the building, even in low and high bowl seating areas. There is also a new neutral-host DAS in the stadium, built by Crown Castle. According to Notre Dame, Verizon Wireless and AT&T will be live on the cellular network by the start of the season, with T-Mobile to follow soon.
Like we said, look for more details in our upcoming report… but for now enjoy some scenes from Sunday’s game!
A good look across the main east seating section, with Wi-Fi handrail enclosures visible
DAS in the grass: A DAS antenna finds a home in the grassy strip separating seats from the field
The new big screen video board now dominates the south end zone
A good look at how the new structures bookend up to the stadium on its sides
Now that’s a premium suite: Rooftop couch area provides full view of field, plus scenic views over campus and beyond
Additional seating Wi-Fi coverage from small antennas over VOMs
Painted Wi-Fi AP blends in to column in main concourse outside seating area
The view of ‘Touchdown Jesus’ remains unobstructed
Inside look at the swanky, wood-paneled club for premium seatholders in west building
Scoreboard plug for the Wi-Fi
Notre Dame fans already figuring out how to use social media to get on the big screen
Smart fans at Notre Dame — early arrivers went right for the new, padded premium seats
How do you get bandwidth to APs located below grade level? By being clever and using routing down the side of stairways… more details on this trick coming soon!