Online options for upcoming Sochi Olympics

XXII olypics

As the XXII Winter Olympics rapidly nears fans of events will soon be scanning broadcast times to see if they will manage to be home from work in time to view various competitions live, but cable, telco and satellite customers should have a very nice alternative.

The reason is that for the first time all of the competition will be available live streamed by NBC sports on its and its NBC Sports Live Extra app to the nation’s 100+ million cable, satellite and telco customers. An estimated 1,000 hours of live broadcasts are expected to be available.

Fans will benefit in two ways from the networks largesse: The online coverage will include all 15 sports as well as each medal winning performance in all 98 separate events. The second is the cost, which is no additional cost, as in free — as long as you have a qualifying cable or other broadband service video plan.

Then there is also a pair of additional bonuses. Viewers also get access to online coverage of the US Olympics Team Trials prior to the start of the games and during the games they will have access to a host of additional programming including exclusive content, real-time results, medal standings, event highlights and analysis, athlete interviews and profiles, and rewinds of all event coverage.

While a portion of the live streaming will be available to everybody the bulk will only be available to subscribers of satellite, telco or cable networks. Viewers have to be authenticated as being paid subscribers.

In order to get verified simply:
1. Go to
2. Click the “Verify Now” button
3. Select your cable, satellite or telco provider
4. Enter the username and password that corresponds with your account
5. Upon verification of your subscription to an Olympics-eligible package, you will be signed in throughout the Games on that device!

It would make sense to do so early since NBC expects that it will have the most devices verified to view the Sochi Olympics for any sporting event ever, most likely dwarfing the 9.9 million devices that were verified for the recent London Olympic Games. You can verify for multiple devices, but must go through the process for each device.


  1. […] reported earlier on NBC’s plans to provide online coverage of all 15 sports during the upcoming Winter Olympics […]