Guest Post: Pickmoto Tracks the ESPN NFL ‘Experts’

(Editor’s note: This is a guest blog from the folks at Pickmoto, a fantasy sports mobile app.)

One thing that ESPN is right about with its “Experts” Picks is that predictions are, indeed, a skill. Week 8 is evidence of that. Only 4 Experts’ scores went up – Wickersham, Keyshawn, Schefter, Hoge – and (surprise), they are all in the Top 5. The bottom 7’s scores dropped.

Wickersham picked against the grain with 4 of his picks – Bucs, Lions, Colts, Cowboys – and was a knuckle away from nailing all 4. We particularly like his Bucs pick. Vikings stock hadn’t been higher all year. And the Bucs are better than their record: all four of their losses are by a touchdown or less. Classic case of an undervalued team against an overvalued team.

On the other end of the leaderboard, Allen and Jackson played it safe, save for their pick of the Redskins over the Steelers. Not a bad pick. The Redskins are playing better than expected and the Steelers worse. But at this point, when those 2 put their heads together, you know what’s going to happen.

Even though he’s third from last, Ditka deserves credit for being the lone ESPNer who tabbed the Browns and for going out on a limb with the Rams and Cowboys. If you are going to be an “Expert”, might as well offer some out of the box thinking.

Week 8 – ESPN Experts Leaderboard
-All players start with 300 points.

+Seth Wickersham – 660
Chris Mortensen – 563
+Keyshawn Johnson – 360
+Adam Schefter – 340
+Merrill Hoge – 288
Ron Jaworski – 236
Cris Carter – 220
Mike Golic – 208
Mark Schlereth – 187
Mike Ditka – 158
Eric Allen – 153
Tom Jackson – 126

Pickmoto is recreating the fantasy sports experience on mobile. Its first app for the 2012 NFL season is free for iPhone and iPad. Pickmoto asks the most basic question in sports – which teams will win. It’s pick’em with a twist: there’s a crowdsourced scoring system that rewards correct picks based on their popularity – the less popular, the more points.

Pickmoto’s 2nd app for the NBA season just hit the AppStore. Try it today.