BSkyB released Friday a new iPad application for existing Sky Sports subscribers. Coupled with the launch, director of mobile David Gibbs declared 2012 “the year of the tablet.”
Called Sky Sports News for iPad, the new application gives Sky Sports subscribers free access to an expanded slate of video offerings, as well as customization. The application follows the trend by the major U.S. sports networks to provide better access to their content via mobile devices, or get left in the dust as niche sports viewing, sports social media, and sports applications gain in popularity.
If broadcast networks are unsuccessful in delivering compelling mobile and tablet viewing experiences to fans, they face the prospect of losing direct marketing opportunities during time outs, half times and television commercial breaks.
Gibbs said surging iPad demand prompted release of the new Sky Sports News for iPad application.
A video promo for Sky Sports’ new app can be accessed via David Gibbs blog post.
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