MSR blows “Moneyball” prediction, but big hit still in offing

On Friday, Mobile Sports Report predicted “Moneyball” would surpass box-office predictions. We thought that Hollywood experts underestimated the power of the sports social media community, and figured that a box-office debut North of $23 million was in the offing. We were wrong.

Moneyball” came in second to “The Lion King” in weekend box office, grossing $20.6 million over the weekend. According to the Wall Street Journal, 64% of the audience was over the age of 35 and almost evenly split by gender, with females making up the 49% of the audience.

But what’s $2.4 million among friends, anyway?

The opening was considered solid, and social media played a big part in the positive vibe the picture enjoys in its first full week of release. With the World Series coming up, and plenty of positive buzz surrounding the picture, Fox News is speculating that “Moneyball” could be the most successful baseball movie of all time.

And there was plenty of social media buzz around the picture, including this Tweet from “The Office” star Rainn Wilson:

“I call my left one ‘Moneyball’ ”

(Of course, Mobile Sports Report and its followers know enough not to take sports social media too seriously, even if we made it perfectly clear for the world to see on Friday that our box-office prediction skills leave something to be desired, so we tweeted @rainnwilson today: “I call my left one Rainn Wilson.” More on “Moneyball” as this story continues to develop.




  1. Are there Vegas lines for movie openings?

    And you could say the movie did about as well as the 2002 A’s… into the playoffs but no title