MLB has App to Wirelessly Order Food at Select Ballparks

Minute Maid Park

As I was perusing the iTunes store, primarily looking for the Civil War Today app, but being easily diverted I wandered over to look at what MLB has to offer, which seems to be growing every time I head over.

I tend to gloss over established apps, just taking a quick look at what new features that they might include, now often just additional hooks into social media, but also there can be some surprises, which I found at MLB.Com At the Ballpark.

The free app does tout new social media integration, park info such as layout, parking, security and a rewards program but what really caught my eye was access to mobile food and beverage service at select ballparks.

Currently this is only available at is accessible at the following MLB ballparks: Citizens Bank Park (Philadelphia), Minute Maid Park (Houston), Chase Field (Phoenix) and Marlins Ballpark (Miami) but MLB has said that additional ones will be available.

I imagine that the parks the league is currently looking to establish networks in will be the next in line as these will likely have enough capacity to handle the additional traffic. While it may seem like a no-brainer that the network could handle it, heavy use can swap the network, which is why increasingly parks need separate networking equipment, such as the new Marlins ballpark.

The one piece of information that is not included, but which we will check in with MLB is where will this be available in the park? For all fans with iPads and iPhones or just ones in select section?

This is not the first time that a service has been available at a ballpark, but it looks as if MLB is going to take the bulls by the horn and establish a standard method to do so. Last time I was in box seats behind home at AT&T you could order food electronically from a server in the stands and even back at old Candlestick Park the service was available, however there was a fairly steep premium on beer carrying charges, as I recall.

Now I wonder if it will be available at the Anaheim er… Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim’s ballpark., They have just expanded the menu, primarily for fans that are traditionalist in that they need their hot dogs (like me ) at the game, but are willing to try new versions (like me). The Angels now offer a bacon wrapped dog, a hot dog wrapped in a tortilla and then deep fried and a hot dog topped with BBQ beef. For dessert there is now the Arctic Nachos which are cinnamon-sugar nachos topped with vanilla ice cream, then doused in caramel and chocolate sauce. Too much you say? Hah!

Next up larger seats?


  1. After those Arctic Nachos you are going to need a wider seat

    Wondering how the individual teams feel about an MLB standard app… how will it adapt to the different stadium amenities/food choices? Will it be customizable?

    I am betting there is app backlash ahead.

  2. How does an app like this work when most ballparks barely have a cellphone signal, much less a broadband wifi connection?

  3. Randy,
    I think that the reason it is available at so few parks is because only the ones that have the capabilities to handle the load are being allowed to do so. The parks can do a number of things to fix this issue from having a carrier install extra cell sites to using technology like they are doing at the new Marlins stadium. I imagine that eventually all major sports arenas will be doing something along these lines, both from the food side and from the enhanced networking capabilities. So many fans now record video and want to share it instantly that teams will want to make this simply part of the experience of going to the park. I imagine that a few owners, the cheap ones, will drag their feet on this.