Dear NFL: We Want On-Field Tweets, Not Just Sideline Stuff! C’mon, Man!

The game that nobody watches, aka this weekend’s NFL Pro Bowl, is all of a sudden more compelling because — in the No Fun League — players will be allowed to use Twitter during the game, for those random on-field thoughts that us fans just can’t do without.

In typical NFL fashion (see: instant replay) however the apparent way-cool thing is gummed up with controls — players won’t be able to use their mobile device of choice, but will instead be forced to use sideline computers to send their tweets out to the tweetosphere. Putting aside the obvious misstep and head-scratching decision to usurp potential mobile device sponsors (“Ray Lewis here on the Motorola Droid RAZR, LOL!”) the bigger question is if you are going to allow Twitter during games, why not go all the way?

Get coach Ditka on the line for a big C’MON MAN! Commish Rog, here’s the message: WANT LIVE TWEETS! Tweets from the bottom of the pile. Tweets during the snap count. (“One thousand one, Aaron Rodgers! Double-check this blitz!”) Tweets during the play (any wide receiver: “IM OPEN MOFOA!!!”) If anything the league should go completely in the other direction and REQUIRE all players to be using mobile devices at all times, while on the field of play. That would introduce a degree of difficulty that might make the Pro Bowl entertaining, instead of the flag football snoozefest it regularly becomes.

The possibility for new rules are endless… you have to send a tweet while the punt is in the air before you can catch it… if you want to blitz the entire D-line or the blitzing player has to send a DM to the quarterback before the ball is snapped… but instead we have the sanitized, red flag for coaches thinking from the NFL. (And get real: these guys are going to SHARE a computer? Riiiight.) Here’s the money quote on this “innovative” twist:

“This is an innovative way to further engage our fans who have an insatiable appetite for football,” league spokesman Brian McCarthy said. “NFL players have been very active on social media and enjoying talking to fans. The nature of the Pro Bowl enables us to have players tweet during the game.”

If we get some uncensored sideline emotion (like Tom Brady’s outburst earlier this year) then maybe the experiment will be worthwhile. But our guess is that the “sideline tweets” will be as useless as the Pro Bowl itself. #bringbackthecollegeallstars.


  1. Too dangerous, but like the idea of former athletes on each sideline, commenting about the competing team (only). It’d get edgy, real quick. NFL could sell sponsored tweets, and it’d be a significant new revenue stream.


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  2. […] to allow Twitter during Pro BowlESPNNFL players allowed to tweet during Pro BowlSTLtoday.comMobile Sports Report -Yahoo! Sports (blog) -Chicago Tribuneall 161 news […]

  3. […] Dear NFL: We Want On-Field Tweets, Not Just Sideline Stuff! C'mon, Man! Putting aside the obvious misstep and head-scratching decision to usurp potential mobile device sponsors (“Ray Lewis here on the Motorola Droid RAZR, LOL!”) the bigger question is if you are going to allow Twitter during games, why not go all the way? Read more on Mobile Sports Report […]

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