Can Become the iTunes for Fantasy Sports?

In a move expected to be announced at this week’s Fantasy Sports Conference in Las Vegas, is going to open up its fantasy sports game infrastructure to independent developers, in an effort to perhaps become the iTunes of fantasy sports.

Reported by the Sports Business Journal Daily,’s move is a bold one in the largely secular world of fantasy sports, where almost every provider has traditionally tried to keep customers to itself. Unfortunately for fantasy players that often means that if you play in different leagues on different platforms you must maintain separate lists of teams, passwords and logins, an especially tough task if you are trying to access your league info on a mobile device.

Theoretically, by opening up its fantasy infrastructure could build an iTunes-like ecosystem where third-party developers could create applications that blend the player environment either with new over-the-top apps (like ones that allow fantasy players to talk smack to each other) or with apps that might let a player access teams from different fantasy platforms in one place. Just like under iTunes, developers will share revenue with on a 70-30 split, with 70 percent of associated revenue going to developers and 30 percent back to

MSR favorite developers Bloomberg Sports and StatSheet are part of the first wave of partners, according to the SBJD report. Here’s a money quote from Bloomberg head honcho Bill Squadron:

“This effort by CBS connects directly with the vision for fantasy that we also have,” said Bill Squadron, head of Bloomberg Sports. Bloomberg will enhance its Front Office fantasy baseball and Decision Maker fantasy football applications using the fantasy data. “Having this level of deep integration is going to be very helpful.”

Here’s the Wall Street Journal take on the announcement.


  1. […] CBS Sports website so outside developers can create apps geared toward fantasy enthusiasts. …Can Become the iTunes for Fantasy Sports?Mobile Sports Reportall 4 news […]

  2. […] have gotten with the times and opened …CBS Sports Opens Site to App MakersWall Street JournalCan Become the iTunes for Fantasy Sports?Mobile Sports Reportall 4 news […]